November 14, 2010

Happeningz on 9-Nov. The DAY!!

When krishna was on the planet the gopis and Gopas were the luckiest ones to have spend most precious time with HIM in utter devotion ! Unexpected and unusual incidents were a common routine in the lives of these heart-stolen devotees. Sri Sri's Punjab visit is full of such beautiful moments that relive the lives of such devotees completely drenched in love.

Chandigarh had the hoardings inviting the whole city to an evening of joy and blessings in His Holiness Sri Sri's presence about 9 days before the scheduled 9-november visit. The whole city woke up to a most pleasing and unusual sight of Guruji's pictures at every roundabout, a first ever for the city! YES!+ youngsters who were handling the publicity for Gurujis visit went shop to shop and house to house warmly inviting every citizen to the historic event to be. Yet another unusual happening for the city !
Various permissions for the event got approved in a totally unexpected manner making the event organising a soothing breeze.

Finally the Day arrived when God reached the city beautiful - 9 Nov 2010 !!
The evening mahasatsang was kept at Kalagram, largest possible venue keeping in mind parking requirements and location. All roads leading to single venue managed to get even Guruji stuck in traffic jam !! Wanting not to miss even a moment of the Guru the spaced out devotees parked their cars wherever they found land ! While a 50000 strong crowd blissfully sat mesmerised in the satsang, about 3500 vehicles got challaned for parking. The traffic policeman needed a massage to his hands from making all those challans. He must have been instructed by someone at senior level to create unwanted chaos in this divine event. But to the utter failure of this slimy plan the devotees were least perturbed choosing to let the challans be cut rather than missing a minute of the divine moments with Guruji !
The devotion- berserk uncontrollable crowd threw away professional bodyguards who looked like solid walls,flat on the ground beating dust near stage in their craziness to get closer to the master !! Finally the these guys found a real use to their profession leaving in them huge scope for improvement!
Many dropped and lost their mobiles disconnecting themselves from the maddening world in their quest for the Highest possible connection of their life with the Guru of joy ! At a sastang in a devotee's house, a old uncle ended up sitting in a child’s lap while he plonked into the sofa ecstatically looking  at Guruji and not at his landing place. Many anties forgot their husbands running after Guruji while the uncles went confused searching their wives. Devotees forming a chain to protect Guruji were hand held by Guruji Himself to safe them from falling. Who is protecting whom ! The night satsang and volunteer teachers meeting with Guruji saw people pressing into the people infront leaving no breathing space only bhakti space ! Guruji jumped over the wall to dash into his car as the exit was blocked with devotees.
Since Guruji was state guest, the police jeep was provided by administration to escort His vehicle. The escort vehicle was often left  away from His car by the speeding devotee cars that managed to escort Guruji's car !!

Amidst all divine chaos, Guruji was at his most compassionate and sensitive best , as always, taking care of every heart, body and soul ! At MCM DAV He was escorted by a bodyguard from chandigarh police. At the venue, the guest of honor seats next to Guruji were still vacant. A senior teacher of Art of Living was summoned to occupy that seat. Guruji asked the senior teacher to sit on his designated seat and instead offered the standing security guard to sit next to Him.

One YES!+ boy had his whole car covered with Gurujis visit stickers. On being caught by the traffic police, the beaming boy gifted entry passes to the traffic police man who was left with no choice but to beam back and wave a go ahead to the boy.
For those eight hours the city had been transformed into a fully charged light house, glowing with divine energy!! O what a day it was !!!
